Exciting News – Watch The Coo Cattlemen Podcast

A must read for all Highland breeders & enthusiasts!

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Breed History

The Highland breed has lived for centuries in the rugged remote Scottish Highlands. The extremely harsh conditions created a process of natural selection, where only the fittest and most adaptable animals survived to carry on the breed.

Originally there were two distinct classes; the slightly smaller and usually black Kyloe, whose...

AHCA History

Records on the Highland cattle first brought into this country from Canada and Scotland are rather obscure due to the absence of a U.S. registry prior to 1948. We know there were small importations made of Highlands between 1880 through the 1920’s. Mainly due to western cattlemen looking to replace or cross breed for hardiness to their herds of predominately Texas cattle after the catastrophic winter of 1886-87, which was known as the Big Die-Up.

The earliest known importation on record from Scotland was made in....

Executive Summary - University of Missouri Highland Beef Study

After analyzing 220 samples of Highland beef for shear force, cooking loss, fatty acid profile and sensory difference testing via the triangle testing method, we have learned two important pieces of information regarding the beef that was submitted for testing. First, as we might expect, but now we are certain that the fatty acid profile of Highland beef is strongly influenced by region and diet. Cattle finished on varied forages or corn soy diets will exhibit varied fatty acid profiles. These profiles will fit different consumer demands and palates.