Here you will find a listing of registered cattle semen/embryos for sale. If you would like to list on this page please email the AHCA office at Include complete details along with city, state, phone and email. Postings are for $20 for 12 months and an additional $5 for photo, for 12 months. No prices will be listed. You must be a current AHCA member to run a for sale ad.
Submit your photo in a jpeg file (via email to with name of animal in file name) with maximum 100 word description, weights (bw, ww, yw) and other performance data, highlights of pedigree, show winnings, etc. (AHCA may edit). A link to the herd book search will be provided via the registration number on the ad.
You will receive an automatic notice at month 11 letting you know that your advertising is going to expire in 1 month. A second notice will be sent out reminding you to renew your listing. After that if you do not renew, your account will automatically roll off of the website.
American Highlands Ranch Ltd – CTK William Wallace (AI,D) #54741
Back to the Roots – CBS No Excuses (AI,D) #59493
Cheesehead Highlands – Scott of Craycombe (D) #UK7557 X Snowland Jenny (D) #57325 or Sunset Fargo's Xena -15512- (D) #50159
Golden Hour Farm – WL Genesis (ET,PV,D) #59067 X FTH Bella (D) #59147
Gryphon Ranch LLC – Gryphon Epsilon Rampion (PV,D) #65526
Highland Connection – CBS Red Alert (D) #66870
Highland Connection – FTH Magnus (D) #65782
Highland Connection – Trafalgar Killian (D) #62171
Highland Connection – Willow Tree Theo (D) #58033
Howling Springs Farm – Howling Springs Barron the Bull (D) #63706
Lazy Vista Ranch – LSR Orion (PV,D) #56136
Noble Bear Farm – Sweetbrier Epic Lad (D) #58042
Rocky Flats Ranch LTD. – McCloud Sir Duncan (PV,D) #62715
The Farm at Berry Lane – Apple Hill Dagda (AI,PV,D) #58892 X CBS Luna (AI,D) #62508
The Farm at Berry Lane – Apple Hill Dagda (AI,PV,D) #58892 X Paradise Family Farm's Bonnie #62986
The Farm at Berry Lane – Top Gun I of Mapleview (ET,t,D) #31286 X HHH Lani #63502
Trails End Farm & Big Ridge Highlands – Big Ridge Magic's Lad (ET,PV,D) #64620
Windland Flats – STR Encore (ET,PV,D) #62210